Kaio-Emergency Pack, trousse pour EpiPen et stylos d'insuline

Using an insulin pen or EpiPen? If so, you need a Kaio-Emergency Pack! This essential accessory helps you carry your medication safely and securely wherever you go. Our range of packs is available in a wide choice of colors, and it also includes a cooling pack to keep your medication safe in hot weather. Plus, our insulated pack (sold separately) helps maintain your medication at the right temperature in cold weather. The Kaio-Emergency Pack has a belt loop and fits belts up to 5 cm wide, or you can choose our Kaio-Utility Belt for a more secure fit.
Trousse pour Epipen ou stylos à insuline- Kaio-Emergency Pack
- Royal Blue
- Black Knight
- Bubblegum
- Grey
- Tosca